The Game Show Arts Fund
Funding art via game shows
Join me on telly and radio competitions in order to fund your artistic activity. Unlike traditional arts funding avenues, there are no forms to fill in (well, only a couple), you don’t need to know your aims, objectives, who you will reach or how. You don’t need a timeline, partners, a cohesive budget or for any reviewers/audiences to have ever said anything nice about your work.
The Game Show Arts Fund removes any internalised guilt about spending public or private money on your creativity, or the fear of arts funding disappearing. You do not have to prove, articulate or measure the unquantifiable impact that art can have. You do not have to be nice to any business people.
You do need to promise to spend your share of the winnings on making your art happen. I’ll do the same. Get in touch if you would like to join me. “You’ve got to be in it to win it.”
Income Applied For: £6,675
Income Actual: £0 (as of yet)
The Gameshow Arts Fund was originally thought up in 2013 one evening when I was drinking red wine, watching The Million Pound Drop and writing a funding bid on behalf of a couple of artists. It is my longest running, least successful art project to date. Credit to shiraz, Davina McCall and Sara Cocker & Niki Hobday’s Grants for the Arts application.
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